The Addictions Academy Reviews

The Addictions Academy is more than just an educational center. We offer superior value for our courses and include a full array of services for our students. You want to ensure that the education center you chose will assist you with marketing, and job hunting, and provide you with a community in which to grow and spread your wings. The Addictions Academy has everything from online self-study classes in the field of a addictions coaching, addictions counseling, recovery coach, life coach, interventionist, and more to live virtual classroom to actual live classroom classes. We are in 22 countries, 5 languages, and have 40 classes and 20 different teachers. Enjoy our Reviews of The Addictions Academy below.

At TAA, we specialize in community and connection. We offer online supervision and mentorship with live faculty each week for you to learn and grow your skills. We have an entire student guide packed with resources just for you! Watch the videos below to see what sets us apart.

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